The Military Money Bloggers Flyer
I’ve had a number of people ask me for resources for new military members and others looking to learn more about military money. I have a number of projects in works to meet this demand. Today I’m bringing you a downloadable flyer that you can use to find new military money bloggers and podcasters. It’ll also be useful for those of you that want to share resources with other military members. Download, print, and share with your friends!
This flyer lists 14 current or former military members and spouses talking about everything from basic pay to real estate to retirement. If you have a question about military money or general personal finance then chances are, one or more of us has talked about it.
(the Military Money Movement podcast is hosted by the bloggers behind Money Q&A and Lacey Langford which is why it’s not 15 people)
The content providers on this list include:
- Nine currently serving members
- Two veterans
- One retiree
- Three milspouses
- Fourteen blogs
- Two podcasts
- Enlisted & officers
- Real estate investors
- Financially independent (no need for paid work) individuals
- Long time investors
- Reformed spenders
Basically, the resources you need to get your finances under control and move towards financial independence!
Click here to download the Military Money Bloggers Flyer!
I’ve limited the list to just those military money bloggers who are actively producing content right now. If I’m missing anybody, let me know in the comments!
A great resource, thanks!
Thanks Spencer!
Really love this tool for military members and spouses. Thanks for adding me to this list!
Anytime! Keep doing what you are doing – it’s really inspiring.
This is awesome! I have a few friends I’m going to share this with.
Thanks Angela!
Keep trying to comment but they never show up! We have a very active blog at
I left the first one as unapproved so it would remind me to update the flyer later. I deleted the second because I figured it was a duplicate. I assure you, I will update the flyer when I have a house and internet again! I am PCSing.
Great! Thanks. Much appreciated.
Don’t add to this list. After attending FinCon, I decided to shut it down and focus on my other blog on career planning for Navy physicians. Of note, I’m referring my readers to this page to check out other military financial bloggers.
Hahaha well I’m glad I checked this; I’m not feeling well so I’m settling into bed for a long afternoon of blog work and not moving. I was going to update the flyer this afternoon.
Thanks for letting me know, keep in touch!