Recently, I learned about a program called DOD SkillBridge and I was so excited about this opportunity I couldn’t wait to introduce you to the topic. Now, I don’t know a ton about it – when I say I learned about it recently, I mean within the last week. But I’ve never heard of this program, and others had never heard of it, so I’m thinking maybe some of you haven’t either.
Basically, this is a program that allows transitioning service members (whether they are retiring or separating) to spend their last 6 months in uniform doing civilian job and employment training, including apprenticeships and internships.
Planning to transition out of the military and get a new job? Then this is definitely something you should look into!
What is DOD SkillBridge?
SkillBridge is training for a civilian job that you receive while still employed by the DOD.
The training must provide eligible service members with an experience to acquire employment skills, knowledge, or abilities to assist them with job opportunities in the civilian sector. There must be a high probability of post-service employment with the provider (the company you work with during SkillBridge) or any other employer. Enrollment has to be provided at no cost or minimal cost to eligible service members.
What Happens During DOD SkillBridge Training?
The details will depend on which company you end up working for, of course. But the point is to:
- Improve the service member’s level of skill and broaden the range of skill by building directly upon the occupational skills acquired during military service
- Improve or provide skills that may not relate to the occupational skills acquired during military service, but do relate to the successful performance of a civilian occupation identified by the service member as his or her goal for civilian employment upon separation
- Refine or enhance skills acquired during military service by redirecting skills that were acquired initially with a focus on the military mission toward related skills that are required to successfully perform occupations in the civilian workforce
In English: you learn new skills or modify skills you already have so they are more applicable to working a civilian job.
The types of training you receive can vary wildly, but here are some examples I’ve heard of:
- computer related fields (IT, computer engineering, etc)
- real estate
- machining
- manufacturing
- welding
- automotive and aviation mechanics
- medical and healthcare
- etc
You’ll also continue earning your military paycheck, so you can ease into being a civilian and receive this training without the stress of needing to find a replacement income.
How to Join DOD SkillBridge
There are four steps that you are going to need to complete to become a SkillBridge participant.
- Determine your eligibility (qualifications are listed below)
- Explore training opportunities. The transition office at your installation will help you find opportunities in your area.
- Discuss the program with your leadership and receive approval to participate. The first Field Grade commander in your chain of command is your approval authority to be released from your job.
- Begin training!
DOD SkillBridge Qualifications
In order to participate in SkillBridge, you need to meet certain qualifications. They are:
- The service member must have completed at least 180 continuous days on active duty in the armed forces and is expected to be discharged or released from active duty within 180 days of starting the training opportunity.
- The approval authority will put in place personnel accountability procedures as part of the condition of approval consistent with DoD and Military Department policies.
- The approval authority may terminate the service member’s participation in a training opportunity based on mission requirements, whereupon the service member must report to their unit of assignment.
- Participation is voluntary and service member initiated.
- Participating Service members are not eligible to receive from the training provider wages, training stipends, or any other form of financial compensation for the time that the Service members spend participating in the training.
An important note from the DOD SkillBridge website: Each military Service may have further specific requirements and guidelines for their service members. Use the service-specific links below or contact your local transition or education office for more information.
More Information About DOD SkillBridge
Interested in learning more? Here are the governing instructions and service-specific links:
The governing instruction is DODI 1322.29, Job Training, Employment Skills Training, Apprenticeships, and Internships (JTEST-AI) for Eligible Service Members. If you want to learn more about the program, check out this DODI – it is the most robust resource on the topic.
Service-specific links:
- Army Career Skills Program (CAC Required)
- Marine Corps Voluntary Employment Skills Training Program
- Navy SkillBridge Employment Skills Training Program
- Air Force: contact your education office
I’m trying to find the contact info for the Coast Guard. I will update this page if/when I come across it.
What’s the Catch?
Nothing perfect, right? Here’s what you need to know.
- You need to get approved to do this. And your commander probably isn’t going to get a backfill, since you are still on their books while doing the SkillBridge training. That will factor into their decision.
- You can only participate once you are 180 days out from transitioning out of the military, so pay attention to your timing and the requirements.
- Your approval authority (that first Field Grade commander in your chain) can terminate your participation in the program due to mission requirements.
- You can’t be paid by the company while part of this program. If you’re thinking you’ll be earning the big bucks at some defense contractor, think again.
- Just like with off duty employment, the training you participate in can’t create a conflict of interest with your military job.
What’s the Benefit?
You get free training in a civilian job and a nice addition to your resume while still receiving your military paycheck. Plus, the company you work for while in DOD SkillBridge may offer you a job!
I think my work has hired military folks through this program but I didn’t know anything about the workings of it. We use a few “paths to the civilian job” programs for military folks and this is one of them.
Great post!
That’s awesome! If you know the names of the other programs, please list them. Maybe it will help someone!
Okay this is so freaking fabulous. I wonder if this is a newer program, or just one more thing my husband never got told about by his lovely command 😉
lol, don’t worry – it’s pretty new. From what I can tell it started in 2014. But I also don’t think the word is out very much, so I’d be 0% surprised if people aren’t being told about it. Very few people whom I’ve talked to about it seemed aware of this program.
I wouldn’t blame his command. This program granted it’s only been out a few years is one of a few hundred that are out there to support military. The percentage of people that know about it civilian and military is very low. I am about to do this program in February and personally know someone that just finished it as well. Your husbands command won’t know about it unless someone has done their research and tries to apply for it. The reason many commands don’t know about it is for the fact that since there is so many programs out there they don’t have a book with all the sites in it and if they did have one it would be so massive that it could be overlooked. Essentially, it all comes down to the service member and how much research they put into their transition before they get out.
Hello Johnnie, Thank you for your feedback. I’m thankful to learn their are service members that have done this program. How is it going for you? Any tips. I am 7 months out from 180 days..I am tenaciously turning over every stone!
Is it just me or does this site just go in circles and provides zero information?!
Ha! You aren’t incorrect. Hence the recommendation to talk to the transition office and check the reg. The website leaves a lot to be desired.
Yes, this website is not very well done. I have been trying to find ways that I can inform the public about an educational opportunity, but there is no “contact us” section. Tried to reach out to them on Twitter, but they haven’t been actively posting since 2015.
I really want to share the word about Kalamazoo Valley’s Wind Turbine Technician Academy:
Delia what is your email? I have 1 of the program directors direct email and I can give it to you so you can find out what steps you need to take. The map section hasn’t worked for some time which is also why I had to contact him.
hey man, can i get that email? I need some more information on this program and the website is not great at all.
Hi Johnnie,
My email address is Thanks for your help!
Could you please email me with the director’s contact information as well?
Would you email it to me as well please?
Did anyone get the program director’s email address?
I haven’t received anything yet…
Hi Delia, I’m traveling right now but when I get home I’m going to try to email johnnie. It may be that he didn’t sign up to receive an email anytime someone responds to this comment, and if so he probably has no idea so many people are interested!!
Thank you so much for your assistance!
Would you send that email address to me too please @
Anyone get that email address please send my way too @ I going in circles trying to understand how to get set up with the program!
Is the DOD skillbridge program applicable overseas? currently stationed in Singapore where a lot of great American companies have offices and would love to internship.
Hi Joe,
You’ll have to check with your local education office. I don’t see why it couldn’t be unless it violated a SOFA agreement or other local laws, but they might not have set it up. If it isn’t in place but there are no rules against it, maybe you can get it started!
Is there any contact information? Part of the website (community and map) does not work. I have checked back for over a month. The only contact I see is a twitter account that hasn’t been updated since 2015.
The only thing I have found that is close to contact information is to contact your local education office on the base. There doesn’t seem to be a central location for information.
There is a local contact. I have his email. The website hasn’t worked in a while and so I emailed 1 of the program directors directly. Email me I can respond back with the coordinators information.
Does anyone have a contact for Fr Belvoir, or another office in the DC, MD, VA area?
Not me, but hopefully someone else chimes in!
Can you send me your POCs and I’m the Installation Trn Officer NSN VA and I have sailors interested in VA and other states. One sailor asked about across other services as well.
Hey Johnnie,
I work for a potential employer for active duty personnel who join this Skillsbridge program. I can’t find out how we sign up as a company to participate though so if you have a direct contact to share that would be really helpful. You can email me at temisol at hotmail dot com
Hi there!
did you ever find out how to sign up as a company to participate? Any information that you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Charla,
I haven’t been able to find out any more information about the process of enrolling as an employer unfortunately.
There is no actual program for your company to join. The service member is responsible for securing a position on their own. Most go through the transition office on their installation. The transition office manages local contacts and directs the service member to a company they might be a good fit for.
I have been approved for the program as an apprentice/intern and I am currently looking for a position. Can you tell me more about the company you work for?
Hoped that helps!
There are a couple of organizations that operate under the umbrella of the DoD Skillbridge and are much easier to work with. will provide all the forms you need for approval and an advisor who will work with you through the process. also offers enrollment for servicemembers and for employers. I have not used the program myself, as I decided to reup, but when I thought I might retire these were the organizations I was working with. Onward2opportunity also offers job training and certifications, and the SANS Institute’s VetSuccess academy offers free computer certifications and training, worth about $18k.
Thanks Suzanne! and are great organizations that operate under the umbrella of SkillBridge. they are much easier to work with then the official SkillBridge website, and are good connections for service members and employers alike.