Summary Sunday is a weekly post where I put out a short list of the personal finance blog posts and articles I liked the most throughout the previous week. Links to each post are in the headers. I hope you enjoy them too!
For this week’s Summary Sunday I decided to focus on some of the other military personal finance bloggers. There aren’t a lot of us, but I thought it would be helpful if you knew of some other resources. I’m still new to this and while I have an aggressive posting schedule, it will be a long, long time before I have a robust archive for you to look through. In the meantime, definitely check out these sites. They are the three biggest blogs in the military personal finance niche. I highlight what I see as the primary distinguishing factor for each blog so you can get a feel for their strengths.
9 Things To Consider Before You Choose The Military’s New Blended Retirement System?
Doug Nordman – October 17, 2016
This post is a bit old, but I thought it would be a good introduction to Nords (the author) and I didn’t want you to miss it. A lot of you have been asking about the Blended Retirement System. Nords wrote this post before some of the details were available (some of which we are still waiting for), but it covers a lot of the concerns I’ve been hearing from people.
Nords is one of the first military personal finance bloggers. I talked about him as one of my inspirations and I still visit his site on a regular basis. He is a recognized leader in the FIRE movement, as well. If you want to learn more about financial independence and retiring early as a military retiree, make sure you check him out.
The Military Wallet
Ryan Guina
I only discovered The Military Wallet a few months ago, but it’s almost 10 years old. That’s a really long time for a blog! That means there is a lot of content available. Ryan focuses full time on specifically military topics, so you should be able to find almost any topic related to military personal finance on his site. Ryan’s strength is in the thoroughness of his posts.
The Paycheck Chronicles at
Kate Horrell
Like the others, Kate has been writing this blog for years. As a result, she has amassed a wide-ranging archive of topics covering everything from a service member’s first paycheck through their retirement.
I find Kate’s site to be the most intuitively organized, so it is easy for me to find the information I am looking for. I also like her “From the Mailbag” series where she answers readers’ questions. There doesn’t seem to be a callout button for it anywhere on the site, but just type in “From the Mailbag” in the search bar near the top of her page and you will see what I mean. This series covers all of the “cats and dogs” type questions that you may be wondering about yourself.
There are other military personal finance bloggers out there, but a lot of them don’t post regularly. I wanted to provide you with useful, thorough resources that can help you with your own planning.
Thanks for the shout-out, MilitaryDollar!
I have a new post on the Blended Retirement System coming up on Thursday 1 June. We’re still waiting on a full-featured BRS calculator, but DoD expects to have it running sometime in June.
Thanks Nords! It was a great post! I’m writing my own comment on your post now, hahaha.
So there will be another DOD BRS calculator with more features? Can’t wait!